I’m not a fun hang.
A friend of mine is much more fun.
I like games!
Then I couldn’t think of anything for the game.
Thinking she had accomplished a good deed, my friend went to get another round.
Meanwhile, I sat there pondering what kind of absolute fucking weirdo can’t think of one good thing in her life.
The game did the opposite of making me feel better.
Later, wandering like a sad Charlie Brown, I noticed something.
I texted my friend.
That’s it.
That’s The Happiness Game.
Author’s Note:
When my husband Sterling read this comic, he said:
“Wow, depressing. Do you want your readers to kill themselves? Maybe you should explain further.”
I said:
“Lol, I’m just trying to be honest. Sometimes gratitude is a slog. I think this comic is hopeful. Because even if a parking lot isn’t overly exciting, as least it’s something. You can build from something.”

It’s true. Feelings follow actions. Keep slogging!
Thanks, Julie! You too ❤️
I really like this story! There is so much beauty in this world and we just have to stop and see it. If you can find the beauty of a parking lot… you can find beauty anywhere… and that is happiness ?
Mary! Thank you for reading. I think a whole bunch of little, nice moments add up to happiness, however fleeting the happy feeling is. Aside from Safeway, there is a really beautiful view from the Walmart parking lot where I live. I tell people to go up there (it’s up on a hill, overlooking town and the lake). It feels silly, but it’s really a nice place to take a moment and appreciate: “Hey, my Walmart is on a cool hill!” Best view in town.
Thankfully, I have a dog because Houston Safeways and Walmarts are not that great (like Montana’s). 🙂
Walmart is an adventure, no matter where we are. Dogs (and most animals, really) are a good solution. There’s a neighborhood dog who likes to roam around and sits outside my office window. I’m on the ground floor. She just stares and stares. It makes me laugh so hard. She is a favorite part of many days.
Wow! An almost empty Safeway parking lot! That can be enough to brighten my day, coming from crowded San Diego.
That’s so funny– I see a crowded parking lot as exciting and livey! Just proves how everything is relative 🙂